In loving memory of Claus Schmeling
Claus Schmeling 1959-2025
On January 29 our long-time member Claus Schmeling died at the age of 65.
He lost his fight against cancer, but his fight for and his commitment to the Nuremberg Leather Club (NLC) are unforgettable. Although he had known the club for a long time, he did not join as a member until 2004. Love then led him to the USA for several years, where he acquired and expanded his English skills. He used them for the NLC to establish contacts throughout Europe.
From 2014 to 2022, Claus served as the second chief executive of the NLC, and afterwards helped the club as a member of the extended executive committee until his death. He supported us not only in the administration of the club, but in all of its activities, especially as a cook at our annual camp. No matter how he was doing, he did not allow himself any rest, he always wanted to give everything he could and help others.

His main focus was both on the social contacts between the members of the NLC and on the relations with other clubs throughout Europe. As a representative of the NLC for the European Confederation of Motorcycle Clubs (ECMC), he was a well-known personality in their umbrella organisation.
With him, we lose a member who has made the NLC known beyond borders through his constant commitment. His friendly nature, his laughter and his willingness to help everyone have shaped our club life and brought its members together.
Dear Claus, our thoughts and love accompany you on your way to our previously deceased friends.