LMC Vienna
LMC Vienna (“Leather & Motorbike Community Vienna”) is a non-profit association and for over 35 years an engine in the gay fetish community in Vienna and Austria. With almost 2,500 members and associates LMC is now the country’s largest organization in the LGBT community, and is increasingly engaged in activities for this community, partly through donations and partly through active support for joint actions. Since 2012 LMC yearly elects Mister Fetish Austria (who simultaneously holds the title of Mr. Leather Austria if hi is a leather guy) and from 2019 there is also a Mr. Puppy Austria elected.
The club members fully voluntarily run the club-location HARD ON Vienna with more than 150 events a year. The space has been planned and built as a meeting place for fetish-interested gay men with the intent to create a place where you can really live a fetish culture without consideration of commercial interests and constraints.
With the goal to meet the increasing diversity of the Austrian gay fetish community and simultaneously strengthen it and keep it united, LMC recently started to form branches, either focusing on special fetish groups within the community or to foster emerging regional communities within the country.
Beside of the ECMC the club is also part of the network of German speaking clubs LFC (Leather and Fetish Community).