LC Stuttgart

Club details

Stuttgart, Germany

The Stuttgart Leather Club was founded in 1976 to offer the leather scene the opportunity to have a unified presence and organization. It has since become one of the leading representatives and organizers of gay life in Stuttgart. The LC Stuttgart has set itself the goal of being both a contact point for those seeking orientation, a forum for joint activities and, above all, a representative of the interests of the leather and fetish scene. The club’s activities were and are not determined solely by fetish-related interests. For example, the LC Stuttgart was one of the committed co-founders of AIDS-Hilfe Stuttgart. At the same time, we are a founding member of the Weissenburg eV Zentrum LSBTTIQ Stuttgart, with whom we organize joint campaigns and events. We are also a founding member of the CSD Stuttgart interest group. But the work of the LC Stuttgart is not only determined by high-profile activities. A social fund and a group of social representatives were set up to support members in need (not just because of AIDS).